Leavenworth, WA May 2009

I had been meaning to take the ZLo on a hike with me ever since the weather started getting decent. I love outdoor pictures and the when it's not raining WA is a gorgeous place to be. The problem is, I don't hike very often. My time with the ZLo was getting short and I really wanted some pics outside so my roommate, Nancy, who was home for some reason (she might have woken up sick and felt better as the day progressed)suggested a drive out to Leavenworth.

I don't normally take road trips where I stop a lot. I'm a get to the destination type of gal so Nancy was happy that I was willing to go on a meandering road trip. We basically stopped anywhere that looked like it would be a great picture taking opportunity. We drove by the tiny town of Index where she had never been to so we stopped so she could say she had been there and we took some cool pics on a bridge. We passed a little roadside chapel outside of Monroe that I had never noticed before. We stopped at a campground because they had some gorgeous giant trees and we took some awesome pics at Deception Falls (that water was cold!).

All places I would have never seen if it wasn't for the ZLo. It was a great day and we eventually made it to Leavenworth where the only picture we took was of Nancy eating licorice ice cream.


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